
Sam from Lifestyled by Sam at Horseshoes bend

Hi, I’m Sam and the developer, writer, photographer, and recipe-creator of this blog, Lifestyled By Sam.

Growing up, I would always help my mom and Yiayia in the kitchen doing anything from preparing Easter dinner for 20+ hungry Greeks to whipping up the best ziti for a quick weeknight dinner.

I always loved having our family over to celebrate birthdays and holidays.

After I graduated from college and found my own place, I tried to recreate these events and celebrations with my friends.

It started with Friendsgiving over 5 years ago, and the events have been continuing ever since.

I started this blog in 2020 during the pandemic.

My favorite part about blogging so far is how much there is to learn.

Initially, I thought I just needed to set up a WordPress website and start posting recipes, but I quickly realized there is SO much more, such as food photography, marketing, blog monetization, SEO, how to write posts that people actually want to read, and how to legally protect my blog.